Other editors tell me that CAD vendors get confused about upFront.eZine. For example, Dassault Systemes thinks the newsletter apparently is all about AEC. Others think it is all about AutoCAD. A very few readers complain about the lack of tips. [Tips? - Ed.] Bentley Systems doesn't think it exists at all.
It does pay to read the newsletter's tagline, "The Business of CAD." Which is why this week's issue has one article about changing business with BIM and another on the changing business of MCAD. Hopefully these can clear up misconceptions for some.
1. PTC Virtual Corporate Visit
- Creo Roadmap
- Creo Strategy Update
- Q&A
- The Creo Pledge
2. Using Technology, Can We Build Faster, Cheaper, Better?
- VA Assisted-Living Facility Example of BIM
- Summary
3. Out of the Inbox
You can read all about the business of CAD this week at www.upfrontezine.com/2011/upf-681.htm