A number of ebook distributors this morning received a purchase request from <bookforalls @ gmail . com>. The name seemed suspicious and a search discovered the related Web site bookforalls.blogspot.com
This site shows covers of CAD books, and then links to another site where electronic versions of the books can be downloaded free. Fortunately, most of the download links are broken.
The site is hosted by Google, who makes it difficult to report copyright violators.
If you sell ebooks, a warning: do not accept orders from BookForAlls.
Here is a good link to file a DMCA as it is a Blogger account. http://www.google.com/support/blogger/bin/request.py?contact_type=blogger_dmca_infringment&&hl=en
It's pretty easy but might take a few days until they take it down.
Posted by: Jimmy Bergmark - JTB World | Dec 08, 2010 at 05:57 AM