As of 5am this morning, the stats for WorldCAD Access looked like this:
- 2,001,332 page-views since December, 2003
- 2,605 posts
- 5,421 daily readers (RSS+direct, yesterday)
Two million page-views is a big number, but it does not tell the full story. The number represents those who read this blog directly (at -- about a thousand people a day. Another 4,100-4,500 read this blog through RSS readers, and so aren't counted by TypePad. If they were, then the page-view count would be bumped up by an additional 1.5 million page-views a year. So, roughly five million might be more accurate.
Whatever the number, I am grateful that you find this blog interesting enough to stop by, read, and respond.
(Thanks also for sending some Google AdSense dollars my way. In case you were wondering, this blog makes $90 - $110 a month through your clicks.)
Congratulations, Ralph. That's huge.
Posted by: Deelip Menezes | Nov 25, 2010 at 05:29 AM
Congratulations Ralph and thank you.
Posted by: R. Paul Waddington | Nov 25, 2010 at 03:52 PM