Nick Spence of MacWeek quotes Autodesk's Carl Bass as saying, "Very soon, users will be able to sit with an iPad at home and make a movie like Avatar."
Bass added that a combination of cloud computing and 3D printers* could see home users creating products at home, with designs being produced and made available to all.
Do you think his like-Avatar claim is realistic? After all, it is remarkable what phones with Android and iOS are able to do now. Or is his statement mere marketing hype, in the line of former Autodesk-ceo Carol Bartz's claim that anything not designed by God had been designed with Autodesk software?
You can read the brief interview here.
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(*) Tomorrow's WorldCAD Access will describe the possibility of a dark future for 3D printing.
I believe it will definitely happen. The caveat would be that you wouldn't want that tablet/pad device to be the primary way you make a movie like Avatar or design something with Inventor, etc.
I use an app called "LogMeIn Ignition" on the iPad which allows me to remote into my (three screen) PC. It's actually alot more seemless than I ever thought it would be. It's almost to the point where these tablet/pad devices could eventually replace most of functionality laptops provide. Right now I'm remoting into my PC, but eventually, applications will probably have two User Experiences: Desktop and Mobile. Where the Mobile UX would reduce the need for me to remote into my desktop.
I'm finally starting to see where the "Cloud" would be useful.
Posted by: QubeIt | Nov 15, 2010 at 09:01 AM
well, if he means that a movie with as weak a story-line as avatar had could be done that way, well sure. If he means regurgitating canned special effects, maybe someday. if he's talking about innovative, imaginiative use of theatrical storytelling, then, nope, NIMHO.
Posted by: jg gerth | Nov 18, 2010 at 11:56 AM
How boring would the world be without marketing exaggerations.
Posted by: Kevin | Nov 18, 2010 at 01:09 PM