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Oct 18, 2010


Steve Johnson

1. Sounds like a more useful function to assign to the Tab key than the traditional Enter, but there's a Cleanscreen button in bottom right corner of the AutoCAD Windows UI, and Ctrl+0 will do the same thing. You can assign alternative keystrokes in CUI (in Windows, not OS X), but not Tab for some reason.

2. And this is an improvement over middle-button pan because...? I don't like "normal" keys being used like Shift or Ctrl in Windows AutoCAD, and I don't think I'd like it on a Mac either.

3-5. Genuine improvements, it would seem. I expect they're embedded in the AutoCAD common code stream so they should appear in AcadWin 2012, or maybe earlier in a Subscription Super Duper Productivity Enhancement Mega Pack.

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