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Sep 15, 2010



Yawn....just use VNC, it's available in several versions for the iPad, web browser, and about everything else, and then you can "run" Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix, whatever....

Ralph Grabowski

I have used a VNC type of software on my iTouch, and it was a touch slow, because my desktop computer has three hi-res screens! But other than that, it worked.

CAD Critic

The bigger question is how do windows applications respond to touch input? How do you right click?

Amr Boghdady

Would you recommend any good VNC for my iPad ?
I have tried a couple, and both were extremely slow..


Splashtop delivers high performance remote access... much better than RDP or VNC... if you have an NVIDIA or AMD GPU PC, it's even optimized for 3D acceleration!

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