And yes they do, now. CAD Schroer is launching STHENO/LX Intelligent for 2D drafting on Linux and Windows, compatible with DWG R12-2010. From the "LX" portion of its name, you may have already guessed it doesn't work with add-ons or APIs. Or, as managing director Thomas Schubert put it, "It's a 'shrink-wrapped' solution with no add-on modules or design automation capabilities."
So what do you get for your e799 (approx. US$1,000)? Quick sketches, Smart Drafting tool, flexible dimensioning, dynamic editing, symbol
creation, 35,000 symbols, customizable user interface, DXF export, and works with five dialects of Linux (CentOS, Fedora, RedHat, SuSE, Ubuntu) and three of Windows (XP, Vista, 7).
You can get more infro from Curious thing is that all the images accompanying the software's Web pages show people engaged in hand drafting. I trust that "dynamic editing" is more than an electric eraser tool!