(What is this, Labour Day? CAD vendors are making me labour at blogging their new releases.)
Graebert may have been the first to release an OS X version of an AutoCAD workalike, but Bricsys is the first for Linux, with support for Fedora 12+, OpenSuse 11.1+, and Ubuntu 9.10+.
The company writes:
The Linux community so far had no access to .dwg based CAD, commonly accepted as the standard CAD file format. With Bricscad V10 for Linux that problem is solved and people don’t have to stick with the Windows OS just because they need .dwg based CAD.
The included APIs are: all of LISP, protected LISP, DCL, and Diesel; others will be added as demanded by third-party developers, of which Bricsys now has 500.
The English version of Bricscad Classic for Linux is available now at a promotional price of $275 (regular $395). "Classic" means it is missing some features, like BRX, eBridge, ACIS editing, and ActiveX. See comparison chart here.
Download the free English 30-day trial version from www.bricsys.com. Some 15 other languages available in two weeks.