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Aug 09, 2010



Now it can keep up with your desktop but in the future when it can't you have to replace the whole thing. Not only the motherboard and processor. The whole macbook becomes useless.

Deelip Menezes

Aw! Come on Ralph. My list is way longer than yours. And you know how much I like Apple stuff, right? ;-)

Wes M.

"One other thing..." ...was that a riff on the Stevenote, Ralph? I laughed regardless

Wes M.

@CADKID - that affliction would affect all laptops, not just Macbooks, no?


I like my MacBook Pro (but I admit to not having any other laptops) after having many PCs over the years. It just works, doesn't crash and can run Windows if I need it to via Parallels or other virtualization software.
About the only thing I boot into Windows for these days is FastStone for easy batch image manipulation (resizing, titling, fancy effects, renaming, etc.).

Randall Newton

I am way more happier with my MacBook (not a Pro) since I doubled the RAM to 4GB. Grab is not good enough for most of your screen capture work? It came with your Mac.

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