I should add that I have found solutions, too, such as remapping the keyboard, finding utility programs, and so on. Here are two substitutes that I found that are pretty good:
- For creating annotated diagrams in my books on my Windows 7 computer, I use Visio 2000(!). Visio is not available for Mac, and so I tried out a couple of substitutes. I finally decided on (and paid for) OmniGraffle Professional. http://www.omnigroup.com/products/omnigraffle/feature_comparison/
- For doing screen grabs on Windows, I use WinSnap, which adds sufficient functions to Windows' plain ol' PrtSc button that I was happy to pay $25. Over on the Mac, I tried a half-dozen programs, but found none of them up to the quality and transparent operation of WinSnap. For now, I have settled on the free InstantShot. http://projects.digitalwaters.net/index.php?q=instantshot
I have not solved this problem: grab a droplist and its dialog box -- optionally with or without the cursor. (WinSnap solves this problem by freezing the screen and the cursor.) In OS X, I can grab either the droplist or the dialog box, but not both. (I could paste the droplist on the dialog box in a paint program, but now we're talking four extra steps for no good reason.)
The Apple executive in-charge of the iPhone has quit, maybe even forced out, the fall-guy for the sloppy design. Never mind that Steve Jobs himself had overseen and approved every aspect of the product design & launch and has much culpability in this fiasco. See http://tech.fortune.cnn.com/2010/08/07/the-man-who-made-the-iphone-4-is-out/
As is customary, bad business decisions by high-level executives has consequences. You have to love the irony that the person taking over from the fired executive is the guy who is incharge of the Macintosh hardware engineering. You cant script this even if you tried.
I have talked to many AA people and what I find consistent in their raving about ‘Apple this’ or ‘Apple that’ is their blind belief that they are indeed getting real value for the money they mindlessly fork over to Apple for good-looking but low-performing products. Never mind that the lowly PC sells 20 to 1 to Macs. Never mind that the Android phone outsells iPhone today. They don’t even acknowledge that the design decisions made by the sharpest minds in Cupertino is not always the best for the end-user, even if it is best for Apples bottom line.
Sure they are entitled to their warped sense of value. This does not mean CAD ISVs have to spend valuable resources on porting their products to the Mac platform. I would be really worried if Autodesk actually takes this ‘grass roots movement’ seriously and commits actual dollars to port its products to Mac. Although you cant blame them if Apple were funding this effort, which is quite common in the CAD business.
Posted by: Earl Jones | Aug 07, 2010 at 05:08 PM
I finally decided on (and paid for) OmniGraffle Professional.
Omni are the gods of productivity apps on the Mac. Great stuff.
@ "Earl Jones"
Never mind that the lowly PC sells 20 to 1 to Macs.
There are many cheap burgers sold for each good steak. Yet the steak is still good.
Although you cant blame them if Apple were funding this effort, which is quite common in the CAD business.
I take it you're referring to Microsoft's practices here...? (look at the new "Gold Partner" Bentley dropping MicroStation for all other platforms a few years back)
Posted by: DF | Aug 08, 2010 at 11:36 AM
All about apple screengrabs:
Easiest way is shift+cmd+3. Drops the file right onto the desktop.
Posted by: okin15 | Aug 08, 2010 at 06:59 PM
Tell ya what Earl: I'm replacing my 3G in the next little while, and I'm going to look seriously at Android just for due diligence. There's a lot of us who *mindfully* fork money over to Apple after having reviewed the competition. For many smartphone users - in business environments - the iPhone is the best smartphone for their needs. And again - my Canadian friends who have the iPhone 4 aren't having problems with the antenna.
Posted by: Wes M. | Aug 09, 2010 at 08:42 AM
I use ConseptDraw as a substitute for Vision and I am satisfied with it.
The one program I miss the most is MS Paint
Posted by: Hardi Meybaum | Aug 09, 2010 at 03:28 PM