In my previous post, I mentioned that the plot dialog box in ARES for Mac is quite different from the Windows version. At first, I had no idea what was going on, but then figured it out. I'd like to share my findings with you:
1. Enter the Print command, and you get this barebones interface.
If you want to output the drawing as a PDF file (instead of printing it), click the PDF button and then choose an option:
2. To see printing options, click the blue arrow (across from Printer).
3. To switch between options, choose among them from the droplist.
The options above the first separator line are specific to ARES; those below are generic to OS X. The Export option exports drawings in DWF, PNG, JPEG, PDF, and SVG formats.
4. To save a set of printing options, click the droplist next to Settings and then choose Save As.
(Actually, the Windows version of the Plot dialog box still lurks around via the PageLayout command.)
To see more than the Print Dialog's "bare-bones Interface", you should try that blue-highlighted down arrow button next to the Printer Name. I always hit that thing in the Print and Save dialogs.
Posted by: Bob-H | Aug 10, 2010 at 11:40 AM
Oh, never mind, you found it (I should have read on). I would add that Save File dialogs work great with an add-on pref pane called Default Folder. It puts Favorite and Recent Folders in the Save dialog, something I can't function without.
Posted by: Bob-H | Aug 10, 2010 at 03:48 PM
The current Mac version of ARES CE (2010.8.408) has a bug where all geometry shown inside viewports won't print. I know of several people who has sent bug reports to Gräbert, but there has been no response so far. I hope this gets solved soon!
Posted by: Diego | Sep 13, 2010 at 05:43 AM