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Aug 11, 2010


Alexei Puzikov

DMG is actually Disk iMaGe.


Alexei Puzikov

And sometimes uninstalling software for Mac requires some cleanup in your user Library folder or actual User folder - it depends on how well the application is written - to remove the saved settings and preferences.

Norm C.

That's one feature that is nice in OS X, the fact that the whole app is contained into a single file. Not so nice is hunting it down in the Apps folders, but it's not a biggie.


Further to what Norm has said, the .app is actually a bundle rather than a single binary file like .exe. What this means is atht you can right-click and go inside the guts of the application (useful sometimes for administration), but otherwise you don't have to worry about stuff getting lost or misplaced.

The Library feature of OS X is fantastic. Would that Windows had it, instead of the Registry!

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