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Aug 10, 2010



AutoCAD-compatible software

What does 'AutoCAD compatible' mean in this context, Ralph?

Ralph Grabowski

By "AutoCAD-compatible," I mean:
- reads and writes DWG files natively
- includes most of AutoCAD's commands
- you can start commands by entering their AutoCAD command name
-includes most of AutoCAD's sytem variables
- includes most of AutoCAD's APIs
- has an AutoCAD-like interface, including command bar, shortcut keystrokes, and so on

Norm C.

"- Macintosh-style "disjointed" user interface; no ribbon (yah!)"

But I thought the Windows version of ARES didn't have the ribbon UI ?

That "disjointed" UI is annoying. It's been like that in GIMP (the open source image manipulation program for Linux/Unix and Windows) and I can't wait for the upcoming 2.8 version which will finally offer an integrated interface.

Ralph Grabowski

You are right: there is no ribbon in the Windows version of ARES. I guess I meant it along the lines of, "The ribbon is impossible on Mac.:

Yes, ARES has the GIMP interface. I have argued with Graebert over this. They might add a switch to toggle interface modes, like InDesign has.


What does it mean when you say "includes most of AutoCAD's APIs", yet does not support ActiveX or VSTA? I presume that also means it does not support .NET.

So what does this really mean? As far as I know, the majority of the Autocad APIs are either ActiveX or .NET. The only exceptions I'm aware of are the scripting stuff, such as DIESEL and Lisp (excluding all the VLisp vlax- commands, which are ActiveX). But if all it supports is DIESEL and basic Lisp, that would be more like "It supports a very small subset of the AutoCAD APIs..."

Steve Johnson

You didn't mention the 4th vendor: Autodesk. Unless they're the 3rd one.


Re: no ribbon (yah!)

Some us consider this an advantage? ;) I see that Graebert are copying Bentley's 'Tasks' interface - I know that a lot of people hate that, too. The best interface for Mac would ideally follow the last couple of generations of Apple's own 'Pro' apps, or even follow Adobe's lead with Creative Suite.

Re: the 'disjointed interface'

Some may recall this as the 'Photoshop interface' (hence GIMP copying it). Of course, Photoshop had it because it originated on the Mac. Personally, for some things (like photo or video editing) I find it's much better than the all-in-one window, YMMV.

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