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Jun 28, 2010


Jon Banquer

The marketing problem doesn't just exist for Solid Edge. It exists with other Siemens products like NX and NX CAM Express.

The only way this problem is ever going to get fixed is for Siemens to learn how to directly market their CADCAM software products to smaller shops where they currently fail miserably. This means giving NX, NX CAM Express and Solid Edge to learning institutions and providing quality course material at little or no change. Doing this is exactly how Mastercam was able to put a stranglehold on their competition and effectively lock most of their competition out. Unfortunately Mastercam is an inferior product to much of its competition such as DP Technology Esprit, SolidCAM, etc.

Based on Siemens personnel I've dealt with, the only way the above is going to happen is with a lot of heads being replaced and with the proper heads taking the place of those who have proven for years they are incompetent at marketing NX, NX CAM Express and Solid Edge to smaller machine shops and manufacturers.

Siemens poor marketing is well known in the industry and is even admitted to by Siemens own VARS who I've talked with.

Jon Banquer
San Diego, CA

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