1. Have a great product. Me: I am most interested in future directions.
2. Know that journalists are human. Me: The best ways to develop an in-person relationship with a journalist is to not talk about your product.
3. Understand their needs. Me: My needs are simple: (a) getting interesting information, (b) meeting deadlines, and (optionally, c) flying to interesting countries.
4. Help them better do their job. Me: My biggest frustration is pr people who agree to send additional info, but then don't.
5. When it is your turn you'll get a fair shot. Me: Vendors who develop a relationship are more likely to be heard. Eg: the co-founder of a CAD company wrote me with a fix for a formatting problem in my newsletter.
6. If you’re unhappy fight back fairly. Me: Yes, most definitely. Let me know if I've made a mistake or misunderstood a point. We're all still learning.
And a final tip from Mr Suster:
Mostly, I believe that journalists want to be able to have "unfiltered" conversations with real business leaders. Given a choice of your marketing person or talking to you (the founder) there's no competition. Make yourself available.