- Autodesk Ships an Updated Version of AutoCad R13 for UNIX; The Leader In Design Software Delivers Object-Oriented Technology to UNIX.
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Oh, gosh....even the mention of R13 sends shivers down my spine. I remember seeing chunks of metal fly out of the machine when R13 was first shown in my town.
Then as a reseller, always asking the wonderful question: which patch are you on? C1, C2, C3, C4, C4a, C4b, etc.... sigh
"Good" times...thanks Ralph, I think I'll go over in the corner and get into a fetal ball and cry.
Posted by: twitter.com/kcflatlander | Mar 02, 2010 at 12:51 PM
Ralph, we were running three copies of AutoCAD R10 on IBM AIX(Unix) systems - can't remember the exact year but it was way ealier than R13 and don't forget Autosolid; what a stunning success that was?
Posted by: R. Paul Waddington | Mar 02, 2010 at 03:02 PM