The 126-page report will give you insights into the...
...history of MCAD in Russia during and after Soviet rule.
...product offerings by MCAD firms native to Russia, and from outside the country.
...special problems faced by Russian firms doing business with the West.
...challenges faced by Western MCAD firms opening branch offices in Russia.I collected this information during my trip last fall through Saint Petersburg, Moscow, and Novosibirsk, a trip that was co-organized by David Levin of LEDAS.
What's unique about this report is that it is written in Russian and English, making it the first bilingual research paper in the CAD world -- Russian text on one page, English on the facing page. (The Russian translations were provided by staff of LEDAS Group and nanosoft.)
Availability and Price
The Russian CAD Market research paper is available now as an Adobe PDF file for delivery via email. Price is $126. Payment can be made through PayPal or with check/money order/purchase order by mail.
You can learn more about The Russian MCAD Market, read the table of contents, and place orders through PayPal at