I notice you are a Twitter fan, or at least a user. Wonder if you'd be interested in our novel use of Twitter to automatically post CFD [computational fluid dynamics] simulation telemetry?Skeptical, I went to http://www.symscape.com/news/symlab-tweeter to find that Caedium v2.0.1 has the "world's first automated simulation telemetry system." By posting images to TwitPic and tweets to Twitter, it keeps you up to date on the CFD simulation progress while you are away from the host machine enjoying dinner.
Mr Smith adds:
To see an example Tweet stream, try http://twitter.com/Symscape.
If you use the PowerTwitter add-on for Firefox you can see the images inline (https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/9591).
Innovative. And useful.
Posted by: Evan Yares | Nov 24, 2009 at 03:09 AM