The hotel front desk gave me the signon info, but my netbook would not connect. Both Linux Mint and Windows 7 gave cryptic error messages. They both acknowledged that the hotel's wireless existed, but complained that "the settings are incompatible."
Incompatible wireless networking? The system used by this Russian hotel seemed standard enough. After some poking about the network settings, I finally discovered the problem: identical SSIDs.
It appears that I connected to a hotel's wireless Internet some time ago, whose SSID (identification) name was "Hotel." The SSID for this hotel in Russia is also "Hotel."
Both Linux Mint and Windows 7 are programmed to use the same wireless settings for the same SSID. This is a convenience feature so that the computer connects more quickly to the Internet. But the settings for the old Hotel SSID naturally did not match those needed for the current network named Hotel.
The solution was to manually erase the settings for the old Hotel network connection, and then my computer used the new settings.