So, Windows 7 Release Candidate disappoints. Presto Linux disappoints. What to do?
I read of Ubuntu Remix, a version of the popular Linus operating systems designed for the small screens of netbooks, and gave it a try. After downloading, you install it on a USB key, and then boot from there. The drawback is that a typical 1GB USB key has room only for the OS, not for any patches, additional apps, and data. As well, USB keys consist of slow memory, so Linux runs faster off the hard drive.
I liked it enough that I decided to install it dual-boot on my LG X110 with Windows 7. Remix has an Install button to install itself from the USB key onto the hard drive. After a couple of deceptively easy questions (time zone, keyboard type), Install does the scary thing: disc partitioning. I couldn't figure it out, and so did some searching with Google.
It turns out that Vista and Windows 7 can do their own non-destructive partitioning: right-click Computer, Manage, Disk Management, right-click the drive, and choose Shrink. I decided to shrink by 10GB.
The idea is that when Remix detects an empty partition, it uses that bit of hard disk space to install itself.