Even as Autodesk finds it has insufficient funds and chooses to lay off hundreds of employees, it seems to not be lacking for lawyer fees. From a press release posted today by the Open Design Alliance:
The Open Design Alliance was subpoenaed by Autodesk, Inc. last month for deposition in the civil case Autodesk filed against SolidWorks Corporation for, among other things, trademark infringement, including use of the term DWG in product names.
Arnold van der Weide, President of the ODA, stated, “I am disappointed that the ODA has once again been summoned to deposition. It puts an unnecessary burden on the Open Design Alliance, especially since lawyers at Autodesk are asking for the same information they asked for before during their petition for cancellation of the ODA’s OpenDWG trademark.”
The next big headline may be "Autodesk fires 1000 programmers, hires 100 new lawyers".
They contacted me today to express their displeasure about my "interests" in Bricscad.
Posted by: Rakesh Rao | Jul 07, 2009 at 11:31 PM