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Mar 26, 2009



I was a terrible disappointment to my dad when I told him I would major in Fine Arts in college. I broke the news to him during a lunch downtown which he planned for us as he introduced me to a major mover / shaker in the financial world. Many years later I have no architectural license, no degree and have gone on to work with THE Southwest U S's most prominent architectural firm - arguable, of course, had my architectural projects published, have designed the last 3 buildings to come from the architectural firm I work with primarily nowdays, designed residences for 3 major US artists, shown my oil paintings in major cities galleries including a few overseas, and generally just not considered whether I was right or wrong about any of it. To you daughter: YOU GO GIRL! Your projects are stunning, I wish I'd thought of them. Sacred Space? Your first project mentioned here was certainly that! You have beautifully described nothing less than consciousness itself! In case you don't know of him, check out Ananda Coomaraswamy, art historian, who describes what you have done as the necessity of all art being completed by the observer. I'm hoping that your dad will keep us up to date. Best wishes to both of you.


SketchUp’s translucency trick is a game-changer! Being able to see through the outer walls while keeping the inside opaque is the perfect way to showcase a 3D room. Such a cool effect!

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