My wife uses Hotmail for email, and she is irritated these days by Microsoft's insistance that the new Live version of Hotmail is a "better" experience.
I am sure that marketing types and programmer people are all excited over what they've created, but change only irritates my wife. She is, what I would comfortably call, a computer neophyte.
Once she learns how to accomplish a task, she doesn't want to have to relearn it just because some over-excited marketing type or bored programmer person decides that Hotmail's screens need change.
Not that the better experience claimed by Microsoft is in practice better -- ever since DOS v6 we've known that. My wife and I spent the better part of nine minutes trying to figure out how to add the sender's address from a newly arrived email to her Contacts list. I finally resorted to copy and paste.
Memo to hyperactive marketing types and programmer people who specialize in creating overly subtle interfaces: stop.