Apple has increased the price of downloadable songs to US$1.29 each -- for those that are DRM-free and of higher compression quality.
As noted in an earlier entry, I don't like downloading songs, and the new pricing benchmark won't encourage me in that regard. In contrast, take the new Nora Jones CD set I mention below:
31 tracks for US$9.99.
That works out to 32 cents for each DRM-free, uncompressed track from a brand-new release. With 2 "backup" CDs (the originals, heh), beautiful CD holder (the box with slipcover), and nice cover art thrown in at no extra charge. In less time than it takes to download 31 tracks, I'll have ripped the two CDs for my non-Apple MP3 player.
No, Mr Jobs, I won't pay 4x as much for my music.