I love jazz, but I haven't cared for the jazz singing of Nora Jones, even if she was born in the same Canadian provice as me. Now comes a different project for her, one where she ventures into blues and R&B and hiphop and EuroPop -- and I love it!
The Peter Malick Group Featuring Nora Jones: The Deluxe Collection (Koch Records KOC-CD-4206) has Ms Jones singing a set of songs with different mixes. Fer instance:
"Deceptively Yours" is first sung as blues, but then in a later track, it is sung with a Seedy Hotel Remix by DJ Strobe. On yet another track, it is resung with a Land Shark vocal remix, and on it goes.
Ultimately, this 2-disc, 31-song set has just 6 unique songs; all the other tracks are remixes. US$9.99 at Wal-mart.