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Jan 25, 2007


Brian Solis

Hi Ralph, I just wanted to chime in here to make sure that the point of the discussion is clear with you, and most importantly, your community of readers.

Your point, "As best as I can follow the concept, this is where companies have "conversations" with we in the media." The truth of what we're trying to do is put solid information in a format which you can parse in a way that works with your workflow. We're not trying to socialize, and in turn, give right to have companies spam you with some new fangled tool that has links,media, rss feeds, etc.

The idea here is to give you everything you need in one place if you decide to use it: News, facts, resources, images, media, actual quotes, subscription feeds for future news, and the ability to allow comments - all without the traditional BS stuffed into press releases. It's about knowing why you might want to know what company x is doing. Think of it as more intelligent and informed PR - instead of shotgun PR.

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