From Scott Sheppard:
As a longtime recipient of the upFront eZine email, I have decided to join your ranks as a blogger. If you could mention the new Beyond the Paper, I would appreciate it.
Mr Sheppard starts off his blog on a conciliatory note:
Let’s put this PDF versus DWF thing to rest. Adobe and Autodesk are not at war.
Since Mr. Sheppard won't tell us his job at Autodesk, perhaps you know? I guess he's DWF guy?
Posted by: anonymous | Feb 15, 2006 at 12:49 PM
On his blog, Scott says "As I am new at this blogging thing, I inadvertently had comments turned on for my first few posts. I have since turned them off."
Right... I'm curious, Ralph... You're not all that new to this blogging thing, but you have comments turned on. What gives? Don't you know that it's not safe to let people like me make comments about your posts?
Posted by: Evan Yares | Feb 16, 2006 at 04:59 AM
Have a look at Scott's "about" page.
"Scott recently accepted the position of Engineering Project Manager for our DWF-based Quantity Take Off application that is under development"
You can see "Take off" in the AU Video
Posted by: Robin Capper | Feb 23, 2006 at 08:41 PM