Our local Great Canadian Superstore (a supermarket chain) is carrying a DigiGR8 ("digi-great"?) digital camera for CDN$9.60. I snapped one up. Its made of transparent plastic, so you can see its innards. Size is just 2.25" wide, 1.5" tall, and 0.5" wide. It comes with a keychain, and is small enough for that purpose. (Click the thumbnail image at left.)
For the price, the specs are crude:
* Two resolutions: 352x288 and 176x144 pixels.
* 16MB RAM, holds 20 photos at the higher rez and 60 at the lower.
* 0.1 megapixel sensor.
There is no preview LCD for seeing the pictures, but there is a small text LCD that reports the current mode and number of photos remaining. Curiously, that LCD is located up front, next to the lens. Heck, it was the price of a USB cable!
The camera has several modes:
1. Delay -- takes a photo ten seconds after shutter is pressed.
2. Continuous -- takes a pictures non-stop until the memory is full or you press the shutter again. I think this creates an AVI "movie" file of the images.
3. How/low rez -- switch between HR (352x288) and LR (176x144) modes.
4. Flourescent mode -- switches between 60Hz and 50Hz.
5. Delete last photo and delete all photos.
The package also contains:
- leather carrying case
- AAA battery
- USB cable
- CD with driver and software
There's two pieces of software. One downloads the images; the other turns the camera into a Webcam. Both are fairly crude but work. Interestingly enough, the Webcam software appears to also work with the Snappy Video Snapshot, if you own one of those. (I do, but haven't tried it yet.)