In the USA, the price for the Canon S2is will be US$499.
In Canada, the price will be CDN$875, Canon has announced. Here in BC, the sales tax is 14%, so the total cost to the consumer is $997.50.
How bad is this? The exchange rate is about 1.20, so the Canadian price should be CDN$600. Canon fleeces Canadians by $275. Electronics and camera stores are not competitive in Canada, except for Wal-Mart. Thus, unlike the USA, Canadians are stuck paying the list price.
(Inverted, the super-high Canadian price is the equivalent of US$730.)
The price in Germany will be e529 = US$680 = CDN$825. The German price includes 18% VAT (sales tax), so without tax, the equivalent prices are:
e449 = US$580 = CDN$750 -- again, much cheaper than in Canada.
Update 2
Future Shop is advertising the camera at CDN$699. Knowing the market, every other place will sell at exactly the same price. So, what's the point of stating a list price of $875?
In the US, people are buying the S2 from Dell for US$354 -- that's CDN$445, some $250 cheaper than the supposed lowest price in Canada.