Canon cameras can blow their fuses. The problem is that, unlike in cars and houses, the fuses are very difficult to replace. Here's why:
* Most Canon cameras have two or three fuses, so it could be any one of them that's blown. You have to figure out which one, electrically (not visually)
* The fuse is soldered to a small board that handles the DC-DC voltage conversion. That means you have to know how to unsodler and re-solder very small items (surface mount components).
* The DC-DC board is inside the camera, so you have to be able to take the camera apart.
If your camera is still under warranty, then you can have Canon do the replacement. Problem is, you are without your camera for several weeks.
If not under warranty, you can have Canon do the repairs, but the bill will be $150-$250 for fixing the fuse that costs 56 cents.
A third alternative is to do it yourself. The job is tricky, and takes about five hours, but instructions are at Canon G1 Digital Camera -
Blown Fuse Replacement.