On the Yahoo Groups mailing list for Canon S1iS users, Vicki asks:
We have this awesome new camera and it took great movies of the snow day at the preschool -- but I
cannot for the life of me figure out how to get a SINGLE PICTURE (still, not moving, so I can print!) out of the movies.
If there is software I need, can someone please be specific on how to find it or download it? The archives were a bit confusing in that area.
Here is one solution that worked for me:
1. Open the movie in Zoom Browser.
2. Stop the movie from playing, and then move the scrollbar to the frame you want. Resize the window to make the movie image larger and smaller.
3. Press the Alt+PrtScr button, which copies the image to the Clipboard.
4. Switch to PaintShop Pro, and then press Ctrl+V to paste the image.
There might be a better method, but this works for me! The images will not be of great resolution: remember that they are just 640x480.