Canon yesterday posted version 5 of its Zoom Browser software. It's a free update that you can download from the PowerShot Web site. Select a camera model, and then select Downloads, and then select Software Applications and Updates and then select the language and then select ... well, just keep clicking and you finally get to download the 36MB software update.
(G6 customers don't need to do this download; your camera comes with it. S1iS customers can click the link down below to skip past the many pages Canon wants you to click through. And, you have to have an earlier version of Zoom Browser already installed on your computer.)
Some of the changes to the software include:
* Images in the cameraare displayed with the shooting information, at a larger size.
* Images in the camera and in the computer can be displayed simultaneously.
* Option added to auto-download images to year-and month folders based on the shooting date.
* CameraWindow starts automatically when camera is connected to the computer via the USB cable.
* All camera-relatedlated functions (Remote Shooting, etc) are performed through CameraWindow.
* Assign 1- to 3- star ratings to favorite images, and then display or print only the rated ones.
* You can enlarge the whole folder by moving the slider above the image.
* Multiple sub-folders can be opened simultaneously.
* Added [Previous] and [Next] buttons for easier navigation between folders.
* Displays an enlarged image when you pick a folder or an image with the mouse.
* More info displayed with images.
* Images saved on network drives can also be displayed (Read-only).
* High-resolution images are opened quickly at optimal magnification.
* Added RGB adjustment and red-eye correction to the image-editing function.
* You can compare up to four images side by side.
* With movie editing, you can create a movie in which a part of it is enlarged.
* You can rotate a movie that was shot in lengthwise position.
RAW Image Converter 1.x. will not start from ZoomBrowser EX 5.0 (ZoomBrowser EX 4.x or later), unlike in ZoomBrowser EX 2.x/3.x.
ZoomBrowser EX 5.0 (ZoomBrowser EX 4.x or later) does not come with a TWAIN interface, so you now download images directly to your computer from ZoomBrowser EX.
Windows Meta File and FlashPix file types are not supported.
The following functions have been removed:
* Time Tunnel viewer
* 360-degree viewer for panoramic images
* Displaying the camera owner's name in slideshows
You can learn about all the changes at Canon's Web Selfservice System Web page.